Passing On (A Serious Note)

Jun 28th 2007 — Misc — 5:03 pm

Emily Gentholts was born 7 years and 1 day after me. She was from Bozeman, and going to college in Minnesota. She was in Bozeman for the summer doing research and playing Ultimate. She died last Sunday in a car wreck coming back from an Ultimate Tournament in Salt Lake City. You can read her obituary from today’s paper here I had played Ulimate with her a handful of times and talked some at an Ultimate Party a couple weeks ago. She struck me as being extremely pleasant and thoughtful. The type of person who was usually smiling with positive things to say. The Wednesday before she died we were playing Ultimate on a typical pleasant Bozeman evening and I was complimenting her attire of grey sweatpants rolled up above her knees with tube socks.

The tournament in Salt Lake City was a tournament I was seriously thinking about going to. There was a car full of Bozeman Ultimate Players behind the car Emily was riding in who were the first on the scene. Apparently an animal was involved, and Emily was sleeping in the back seat without a seat belt on. Thankfully the driver of that car is very much ok. The driver of the other car was 8-months pregnant,she deIivered her baby by c-section that night. Last I heard she was in the hospital in critical condition. I was told the impact literally split the car Emily was riding in the backseat of in half.

In case you forgot, cars are dangerous. I had not really been giving that a lot of thought recently but this has certainly brought it to my attention. Please be careful.

It seems like I’ve known more people to die in this past year than the rest of my life combined. Most of them did not have the chance to grow old. Grandma, Eben’s friend Wade ( I did not know him but I do know he was way too young), my friend Joe’s father, who was also Kezia’s uncle, passed away a few months ago at 52, and now Emily. It is very easy to forget that people don’t live forever. I wish people would be nicer to each other sometimes. I don’t understand why that is so difficult.

el segundo explosión de la mama y del papá

Jun 22nd 2007 — Glacier,National Parks — 11:14 pm

For all you inquring minds out there losing sleep thinking “well what else did those crazy Sulock’s do in Montana?”. A better question would be “what did they NOT do”. The answer to that is “nothing”. We did everything possible. It was a serious vacation and not one for the faint of heart. Here are a couple of photos in case you’re interested.






Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower Picture Gallery

Jun 16th 2007 — Misc — 10:46 pm

I found this website, that is a networking site for people who go like to play outside.

I made a picture gallery there here.

Its kind of nice because I know people are looking at these pictures and hopefully enjoying them. There are a lot of amazing pictures other people have taken from all over the world as well.

la explosión de la mama y del papá

Jun 11th 2007 — Grand Teton,National Parks — 3:26 pm

Mom and Dad have been out west for a week now. We spent 3 nights at Coulter Bay in the Tetons with Kezia joining us for the first night. Then it was taking the scenic route through Yellowstone on the way back and since then Bozeman. On Wednesday we are going to drive up to Glacier for a couple of nights.

Mom and Dad are in Anaconda outside of Butte playing a the Old Works golf course which Dad first mentioned to me a number of months ago. The weather seems to be cooperating so I hope they are having a good time. It wasquite chilly at the Tetons and in Yellowstone. Mom and especially Dad would probably use a term along the lines of “Artic”. The 2nd night we were there it started snowing and we woke up with some snow scattered on the grounds and the moutains with a fresh dusting.

I warn you that the last picture is 3.3 megabytes. It is a panoramic of the Tetons I took with about 9 pictures stiched together.

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower

Devil's Tower I don’t know why WordPress is being such a pain with with this picture but if you copy the address above and paste it into your browser you’ll get to the giant panorama.

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