In 1889 33 blocks of Seattle burned down and when they rebuilt it they….wait for it…….put the streets at the 2nd floor! So you can go underground now and see what was the ground level in ye olden times. Also, if you get lucky Norm Macdonald will be your tour guide.
The Seattle Underground is a network of underground passageways and basements in downtown Seattle, Washington, United States that was ground level at the city’s origin in the mid-1800s.
In 1907 the city condemned the Underground for fear of bubonic plague. The basements were left to deteriorate or were used as storage. In some cases, they became illegal flophouses for the homeless, gambling halls, speakeasies, and opium dens.
Thanks Wikipedia!

In a few minutes (hopefully) Luke and I will be bound on a weekend trip to Seattle. Why am I going? I hope to take some pictures and see some interesting Seattly things. I haven’t been there since 2001 when Rebecca and I made a quick stop during our fabulous cross-country drive. We’re planning on staying a a Hostel and going to see a friend of Luke’s, Mike Daisy, who does a one-man show.
We’re also stopping by Missoula to see one of its newest residents, Hilary, on the way out of town. Hilary is a friend of mine from NC who made the plunge to Montanaland to take a job as an urban planner. Huzzah!
In the meantime here’s a picture of a llama and Luke in a tuxedo with a bull-whip.

I must give homage to biking on the Blue Ridge Parkway Ride with Davy, Chris, Binky, and Gary. Good times.

Here are 22 more pictures in a rar file