The following inspirational message comes from this site.

I stumbled upon the picture yesterday on Reddit, one of my favorite websites as of recent. It is a decent source for news as well as that very special randomness generated by the great provider of the modern era, Ye Olde Internets.
All silliness aside, I do think it is good to keep on dreaming.
(As does Gary Spivey)
After having a very carefree beginning of the summer with lots of time to take and post pictures, this week has found yours truly both starting to teach summer school and being the only person responsible for the de-cluttering and subsequent cleaning for a landlord’s inspection of a 5 bedroom house that has spent 3 years being a free for all.
Today was supposed to be the end of my residence at 1320 S 6th Ave all but the inspector person didn’t show up. ( actually 4 days ago was the original plan but things keep coming up).
The point is 7 hours of scrubbing starts to get to you.
Another point is don’t fill your abode with a bunch of crap you don’t actually want/need because one day you (or your roommate) might have to move it.