The Bozeman Ultimate crew got together after their fine performance at Northwest Mixed Regionals. Joey took some video at the tournament and along with her husband Camas, had the team over to her house to watch it.
Towards the end of the night the bag game was played (This is when I realized I had my camera with me). The goal is to pick the bag up off the ground with your mouth, with only 1 foot on the floor. Every round the bag gets cut so it is shorter and shorter. I am not very good at this game.
It was a great evening though, thanks to the Key’s for having us over. And thanks to Cyn for making the most epic spinach-artichoke dip ever.

Saturday in Yellowstone they had closed all but the northernmost road from Mammoth to Tower due to the snow. I really wanted to check out some geothermal stuff farther south, but the prognosis for road openings Sunday looked grim.
We headed towards Upper Mammoth Terrace with the plan of going for a walk around there (this area is open year-round) and hoping that the road south would be opened up by the time we were done. (This was about 11 am)
We arrived at the parking area to see the familiar sight from Saturday of the ranger’s Jeep parked in front of the barricade across the road with a half dozen or so tourist cars parked nearby. Hilary’s plan was to go over and talk to the ranger about when they might open the road.
No sooner did I turn the engine off and get out did we hear someone in an excited tone say something about “saddling up” and see the waiting people file into their cars as the ranger proceeded to open the gates.
We headed through the gate and south on a newly plowed and sanded road through pine forests covered in a fresh blanket of snow.
It was one of those moments where everything works out and you can’t help but think the universe made it happen just for you.

Fall goes by quickly in Bozeman. School has been keeping me well occupied these days, but I have managed to take a few pictures of the season on occasion.

As far as I can tell this is what my right shoulder resembles now ( type 3 AC separation) after landing on it trying to catch a disc on Wednesday. It hurt like hell Wed. night but thanks to ice, ibuprofen, and Oxycodone it feels much better now.