Girl Talk in Bozeman

Feb 26th 2009 — Bozeman,Concert Photography,Music — 12:34 am

Last Friday night I went and saw Girl Talk play at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds. Girl Talk is one guy, Greg Gillis, who remixes famous songs, mostly from the 80’s and 90’s. The end result is a a little more modern and quite danceable. This was a fairly big show for Bozeman, and I hadn’t danced in quite a while, so attending sounded like a good idea.

The crowd appeared to be super-young. Hilary thought there were a lot of high-school kids, I thought a lot of undergrads, but its getting hard to distinguish those two groups nowadays. Regardless, the kids were excited about the music and a lucky few were certainly more than happy to get up on stage and dance the whole show. It was good he brought people on stage because without them there wouldn’t be much going on. His performance is basically him standing over his computer the whole time, except for a few random times to stand up, grab the mic and holler at the audience between songs.

My one complaint was the sound seemed fairly muddled. That might have been because not many bands play at the Fairgrounds, although I have seen Modest Mouse and Built to Spill there and I seem to remember the sound being fine for those shows. Also there was no encore, which seems rare. Once he stopped the crowd didn’t try too hard to get him back out though. Despite my old man gripes overall it was definitely a good time.

Girl Talk Crowd Crowd Girl Talk Stupid Arm Girl Talk Standing Gallatin County Fairgrounds

Hyalite Reservoir

Feb 25th 2009 — Bozeman — 12:06 am

The day after Yellowstone we went snowshoeing again at Hyalite Reservoir, where there is still some winter.

Hil in Hyalite Michael Cheese Bridger Mountains

February Snowshoeing in Yellowstone

Feb 23rd 2009 — Yellowstone — 9:36 pm

After we left Virginia City we stopped at Norris Hot Springs, about 45 minutes west of Bozeman. The next day Hilary and I went down to Yellowstone with my roommate Ben and his girlfriend Sarah. We tromped around in the woods for a little while and then went to the Boiling River. It was a big weekend with two hot springs in two days, not too shabby.

The Absarokas The Crazy Mountains Ben and Sarah Hilary Geothermal Upper Terrace Loop

Virginia City Again

Feb 22nd 2009 — Ghost Towns,Montana — 7:49 pm

Before we headed down the road for Norris Hot Springs I grabbed a few more shots of Virginia City, (including the sign).

Wholesale Groceries Inn Virginia City Sign Variety Store Gas Montana

Virginia City

Feb 19th 2009 — Ghost Towns,Montana — 11:55 pm

Right down the road from Nevada City is Virginia City. It was a tad larger and looked like a few people might actually live in houses off of main street.

Saloon Opera House Blacksmith General Merchandise Virginia City Trading Company dsc_6080

More Nevada City

Feb 18th 2009 — Ghost Towns,Montana — 10:27 pm

Old Train Nevada City Sign George Ives Nevada City Building Music Hall Old Train 2 Old Train 3 Nevada Hotel Montana Sunset

Nevada City, Montana

Feb 17th 2009 — Ghost Towns,Montana — 11:30 pm

I had heard about Nevada City but didn’t know quite what to expect. The town was definitely deserted. Even the highway didn’t hardly have any cars on it. Walking around looking at the false front wooden buildings and old trains was a bit like stepping back into 19th century Montana. I want to go back and get a better sense of what this place is all about.

Old House Nevada City Nevada City 2 Old Train Old Train 2 Old Train 3

From Missoula to Dillon

Feb 16th 2009 — Montana — 7:02 pm

Saturday Hilary and I drove from Missoula to Bozeman, by way of Dillon, Twin Bridges, Sheridan, Nevada City, Virginia City, Ennis, and Norris. Calling these places “cities” is a little generous. Dillon is the biggest by far, with less than 4000 people. Virginia City and Nevada City are literally ghost towns. Ghosts literally live there. They are haunted. Scary business. I need to go turn some lights on.

These pictures were all taken between Missoula and Dillon.

Missoula Power Station Superfund Cleanup Anaconda Smokestack Hill Hills 2

Waterworks Hill

Feb 10th 2009 — Missoula — 9:33 pm

Over the weekend we rode our bikes over to Waterworks Hill and went for a walk in the warm sun.

dsc_5942 dsc_5943 dsc_5956


Feb 9th 2009 — Missoula — 10:05 pm

Here is a short list of things I owned on Saturday but did not on Sunday afternoon


  • Ipod
  • Patagonia down parka

  • The above items were sitting in an unlocked car overnight outside Hilary’s apartment and someone came along and liberated them. I feel like I am usually careful about what I leave in the car and remembering to keep it locked. I was faintly aware the car was unlocked but honestly did not give it a lot of thought. In the back of my mind an insistence on keeping the door locked was being too compulsive.

    I noticed the coat was gone in the early afternoon and that was sad. Hilary mentioned maybe someone was getting more use out of it than I did, which was somewhat of a comforting thought.

    That evening I remembered my Ipod used to be sitting in the glove compartment and was not anymore. What is someone going to do with a collection gathered over 4 years of relatively strange independent rock, hip hop, 90’s, etc? How are they going to know when the “broken Ipod” frowny face makes an unwelcome appearance you have to smack it a couple of times to make it work?

    I can picture someone getting satisfaction from wearing the coat, but from an old(ish) semi-working ipod not-so-much. Also, the addition of the Ipod turned what I was viewing as a spur of the moment decision into a more calculated effort. On the bright side though it certainly could have been worse.

    Now I am sure there is a lesson in here somewhere…

    Wuggie Norple

    Feb 6th 2009 — Misc — 12:40 am

    Wuggie Norple

    In a little house. in a little village, not far away from Thunderbolt City, lived a whistle fixer named Lunchbox Louie. He had a wife named Bigfoot the Chipmunk and a little son named King Waffle. Every day Lunchbox Louie would kiss Bigfoot the Chimpmunk and King Waffle, and walk to his shop in Thunderbolt City…

    Asheville Misc

    Feb 4th 2009 — Asheville,Family — 10:37 pm

    A few final pictures from my last visit to Asheville.

    Michael and Val Smooth Criminals Rebecca and Scott Davy and Chris Foggy Boys dsc_5333 Binky Folfing The Folfing Crew Classic Asheville

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