Flying From Santiango, Chile to Punta Arena.

Jan 20th 2019 — Chile — 7:24 am

Through sheer luck I had a window seat on the left side of the plane and it was a clear enough day to see much of the terrain between Santiago and Punta Arenas. You fly over the Andes and a region known as the Southern Patagonian Ice Field. I had forgotten my good camera in North Carolina, but bless the engineers that work for Apple that my phone is capable of capturing images I will be forever grateful for.

Santiago Smoldering Volcano Vulcan Cone Lago Dos Lagos Ice Field with Chalten Closer Chalten Centered Chalten Glacier Viedma Lagos y Nubes Close to Punta

Back East Holidays

Jan 19th 2019 — Asheville,Family — 6:51 am

I took a plane from Las Vegas to my hometown of Asheville, North Carolina. Was there for a few days then drove with my parents up to New Jersey to visit family. Stayed there for a bit longer than expected, but was nice to visit with extended family that I don’t see often. Then it was a Bolt Bus to Manhattan, NYC. (Thanks for the ride Uncle George!). After a lovely, but too brief visit with my sister, I took a train out to Jamaica, NY. Then another short train to the airport. Then it was time to get on a plane to Santiago, Chile.

Mom Golf Dad Golf Mom Walk Sunny Pointe Chewie Cousins George Speech Sulocks Uncle David y Yo Manhattan Empire State Front Sky Train

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