Bizarro Sulocks

Dec 30th 2008 — Asheville,Family — 11:01 am

Happy Holidays from the Bizarro Sulocks.

bizarro-dad bizarro-michael bizarro-rebecca bizarro-davy bizarro-scott bizarro-mom

Richmond Hill Disc Golf

Dec 24th 2008 — Asheville — 1:02 pm

My friend Valerie Hastie made the drive from Charlotte to Asheville for a short and sweet visit. We went and played some disc golf and Asheville’s excellent Richmond Hill course.

davy-drive val-throw michael-drive chris-drive michael-disc-hold val-frown

Nighttime in Asheville

Sep 17th 2008 — Asheville — 5:04 pm

These pictures are mostly from my last summer evening in Asheville for a little while. Rebecca and Scott were kind enough to walk around with me in a slight rain.

Scott Playing at the Lobster Trap Rebecca and Balloon Green Eggs and Jam Lexington Ave Asheville Art Zambras

Richmond Hill Disc Golf

Aug 24th 2008 — Asheville,Family — 11:19 pm

Been playin’ some disc golf.

Jeff Teeing It Up Waiting Our Turn Ben and Billy Watching the Disk Billy Victory Jeff at the Temple Billy and Chris Scott Throwing Chris Putting

A Friday Night in Asheville

Aug 23rd 2008 — Asheville,Family — 9:20 am

Went downtown last night. Holla

Under 240 Overpass Painting the Mural Hula Hooper Asheville Drum Circle Asheville Drum Circle 2 Sidecar Bike Davy and Jeff Scott and Rebecca Chris and Billy

Asheville Sunset

Aug 21st 2008 — Asheville — 10:49 pm

I miss disc golf at the Richmond Hill course in Asheville. I played 2 rounds today and it was a good time. There was an excellent sunset that stuck around for a while during my bike ride to meet my sister in west Asheville.

I was glad to have my little point and shoot camera. I like the concept of always carrying a camera with you.

Asheville Sunset Lane, Heather, and Alan Watching the Sunset French Broad Sunset Phil Mechanic Construction Smoke Stack Sunset

Saw a Black Bear

Aug 19th 2008 — Asheville — 3:09 pm

I was biking up our driveway and right before I got to the house I looked up and saw a black bear right in my way. I knew there are bears around the Beaverdam area but my only previous encounter had been a passing glimpse at night once. I stopped and watched it walk across, then I hurried into the house to get my camera with my best lens.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to see it again but as I was walking down the driveway, there it was in the neighbor’s yard just sitting and munching on this tree like it didn’t have a care in the world.

It looked right at me and went back to eating. I was able to watch it for a good little bit before it walked into the woods and I became worried about being responsible for making it go somewhere it definitely shouldn’t be. It was the best view I’ve ever had of a bear not in a zoo, but I wish it was in a less populated area.

Bear Sitting Bear Scratching Bear Sitting and Eating Bear Sitting Up and Eating Bear Standing and Eating Bear Walking Away Bear Scratching Again Bear Full Body Walking Bear Walking Towards

Biking Elk Mountain

Aug 19th 2008 — Asheville,Biking — 8:37 am

I brought my bike back to North Carolina with me in the hopes of doing some riding. Davy and I managed to get out and do one of my favorite rides a couple times. You start up Elk Mountain Scenic Highway and continue to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Turn right and go down a little ways and then back up Town Mountain Road, (going down Town Mountain is hella fun) and finally back home via Kimberly Avenue.

Up Elk Mountain Rouding the Corner The Road Elk Mountain Field Davy Climbing On Kimberly Ave

Moving Day

Jul 2nd 2008 — Asheville,Bozeman — 9:53 pm

After having a very carefree beginning of the summer with lots of time to take and post pictures, this week has found yours truly both starting to teach summer school and being the only person responsible for the de-cluttering and subsequent cleaning for a landlord’s inspection of a 5 bedroom house that has spent 3 years being a free for all.

Today was supposed to be the end of my residence at 1320 S 6th Ave all but the inspector person didn’t show up. ( actually 4 days ago was the original plan but things keep coming up).

The point is 7 hours of scrubbing starts to get to you.

Another point is don’t fill your abode with a bunch of crap you don’t actually want/need because one day you (or your roommate) might have to move it.


Apr 20th 2008 — Asheville — 10:01 pm

The air temperature in Bozeman is 20 degrees right now, so I’m going to “think warm” with some pictures of one of my favorite North Carolina summer activities. Most of these are from last summer and a couple the summer before that. Good times.

I’m going to be in Asheville in August and you KNOW I’m gonna have to do me some toobin’.

Hilary and Davy Michael and Davy Val Jason and Maggie Dadamundo Val and Hil Davy and Laura

Blue Ridge Biking

Jan 5th 2008 — Asheville,Biking,Family — 9:42 pm

I must give homage to biking on the Blue Ridge Parkway Ride with Davy, Chris, Binky, and Gary. Good times.

A Motley Crew Up to Craggy Gardens Around the Bend Mt. Pisgah

Here are 22 more pictures in a rar file

Goodbye Asheville

Jan 5th 2008 — Asheville,Family — 12:23 am

Mom and Davy Sulock Asheville Flying over Illinois

The Living Room

Dec 30th 2007 — Asheville,Family — 8:23 pm

How we watched the Patriots vs. Giants game

Asheville, North Carolina 12-16-07

Dec 28th 2007 — Asheville,Family — 12:56 am


Davy, Scott, Rebecca Sulock Race Asheville City from Grove Park Inn

The Usual Suspects

Aug 22nd 2007 — Asheville,Family — 10:57 pm

This was Davy’s first night drinking in a bar in the United States. A pretty big deal if you ask me. It was also a very fun night full of people I wish I saw more often.

Mom and Davy Davy ID Davy, Jason, and Dylan Valerie and Hilary Rebecca, Scott, and Nora Billy and Valerie Hilary, Davy, Rebecca, Brad Pitt, Valerie

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