Last Friday night I went and saw Girl Talk play at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds. Girl Talk is one guy, Greg Gillis, who remixes famous songs, mostly from the 80’s and 90’s. The end result is a a little more modern and quite danceable. This was a fairly big show for Bozeman, and I hadn’t danced in quite a while, so attending sounded like a good idea.
The crowd appeared to be super-young. Hilary thought there were a lot of high-school kids, I thought a lot of undergrads, but its getting hard to distinguish those two groups nowadays. Regardless, the kids were excited about the music and a lucky few were certainly more than happy to get up on stage and dance the whole show. It was good he brought people on stage because without them there wouldn’t be much going on. His performance is basically him standing over his computer the whole time, except for a few random times to stand up, grab the mic and holler at the audience between songs.
My one complaint was the sound seemed fairly muddled. That might have been because not many bands play at the Fairgrounds, although I have seen Modest Mouse and Built to Spill there and I seem to remember the sound being fine for those shows. Also there was no encore, which seems rare. Once he stopped the crowd didn’t try too hard to get him back out though. Despite my old man gripes overall it was definitely a good time.

The day after Yellowstone we went snowshoeing again at Hyalite Reservoir, where there is still some winter.

On the plane flight home I managed to grab a couple pictures of Bozeman and the surrounding area.

The interweb claims it is negative 11 degrees outside right now, with wind chills tomorrow possibly reaching minus 35 degrees. There is about 8 inches of new snow on the ground. The temperature is the kind of cold that makes the snow squeak when you walk on it. The sun is supposed to rise at 7:57 am and set at 4:40. Brrrr………Good weather to be inside finishing your schoolwork for the semester.

Every year on the first Saturday in December Bozeman has a Christmas Stoll where they block off Main Street, the stores downtown stay open late, vendors sell food and various charity fund raising events take place.
The last two years the Christmas stroll has been one of the coldest nights all winter. This year it was about 50 degrees.

These are from a nighttime bike ride a little while ago. Bozeman can be pretty dead sometimes, once we got off of main street I don’t think we saw a single car the rest of the night.

It is late and I need to go to bed, but I couldn’t resist taking a picture out my bedroom window of the snow that is falling. I love how snow makes everything so quiet.

The Bozeman Ultimate crew got together after their fine performance at Northwest Mixed Regionals. Joey took some video at the tournament and along with her husband Camas, had the team over to her house to watch it.
Towards the end of the night the bag game was played (This is when I realized I had my camera with me). The goal is to pick the bag up off the ground with your mouth, with only 1 foot on the floor. Every round the bag gets cut so it is shorter and shorter. I am not very good at this game.
It was a great evening though, thanks to the Key’s for having us over. And thanks to Cyn for making the most epic spinach-artichoke dip ever.