Warm in Bozeman

Mar 6th 2007 — Bozeman — 9:01 am

The snow is melting and grass is coming out. This is a continuation of the pattern that has been relatively persistent over the past month or so of snowing quite a bit and then warming up. Its not all bad for us snow-sports enthusiasts because it makes me feel like I’m not missing as much as I spend my day off doing schoolwork in the office.

Spring Break is next week and I am planning to use it to travel down to the Grand Canyon and maybe Zion or the Moab area as well if there’s time. It will be my second time there and I’m extremely excited as it is one of my favorite places that I’ve ever been to. I’m hoping to be able to spend a couple days hiking and camping in it but that depends on the availability of permits. Either way it’ll be nice to have a week off and travel to a different climate.

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