In Missoula

Jun 17th 2008 — Missoula,Montana — 6:54 am

Before there was Glacier there was Missoula, Montana.

hil-pose-val.jpg mailbox-missoula.jpg Garden val-hil-street.jpg bricks-heart.jpg val-hil-walking.jpg val-thai.jpg michael-sushi.jpg val-squirrel.jpg Rice Pudding.


Apr 10th 2008 — Missoula,Montana — 10:49 pm

There was more to my trip to Missoula last weekend than just Obama. It was actually Hilary’s birthday on Friday. Happy Birthday Hil! Now she has joined me in the 28 years young club. It is fun to have a friend from North Carolina living so close. 2 and a half hours away is basically next-door in Montana terms. If everyone I knew lived out here I’d probably never think twice about moving back east.

I met her posse, a nice, down to earth group of folks, and we went out and experienced some of the Missoula scene. Good times. I don’t go to bars in Bozeman much these days, and If I’m not in bed by midnight I probably turn into a pumpkin.

The two city shots were from a short hike Hil and I did on Sunday, which offered some good views of Missoula and the surrounding area. Even with the clouds (basically a given in these parts recently) the weather was decently warm and it wasn’t snowing and we weren’t walking in snow, all of which I was thankful for.

On a warmer note, the high is supposed to be 67 in a couple of days, and since it has been snowing basically everyday for the past week that will be a nice change.

One last thing, I’ve been making the pictures a little bigger these day, if they are too big let me know.

Missoula Hilary Me eating cereal Waiting Hilary and her beers of choice Tower Heather Hilary’s Birthday Dinner Missoula Downtown Pool Hilary and Rob Heather and Rob

Our Next President

Apr 7th 2008 — Missoula,News — 9:56 pm

As promised here are a few more pictures I took of Barack Obama in Missoula, Montana on April 5th.

Describing what is was like being there is a difficult task. The energy there was like a concert, Obama was a rock-star as he stood up on stage surrounded by eight-thousand cheering fans. He spoke for an hour or so on a variety of topics such as energy, education, and foreign policy. He spoke about the change that our country needs desperately and immediately after the eight year political train-wreck that has been the Bush administration.

After he finished talking he spent about twenty minutes interacting with the crowd, shaking hands and holding no less than three babies (I don’t know what compels people to hand famous people their babies.) before waving a last goodbye.

You left feeling good about the world and good about politics, which was a nice change. I felt inspired to try to bring about a small part of the change that this man is obviously working so hard to impart on our great country.

I’m including a video of a short part of his speech, someone has segmented it into topics and uploaded it onto Youtube.

Barack Obama Change we can be Crowd Obama Again Obama Baby

Saw Obama in Missoula

Apr 6th 2008 — Missoula,News — 10:41 pm

My friend Hilary and I saw Barack Obama speak for about an hour on Saturday in Missoula, Montana. He is an excellent speaker and it was one of the more powerful events I’ve been to in a long time.

More thoughts and pictures to come.

Obama Lights

Visiting Hilary in Missoula

Jan 24th 2008 — Missoula,Montana — 10:26 pm

The entire trip to Seattle from Bozeman consists of driving 5 minutes to I-90, staying on that interstate for 10 hours or so, and then exiting in downtown Seattle. About 200 miles west of Bozeman lies the great city of Missoula where my friend Hilary just moved to.

My traveling companion Luke and I stopped for a little while and visited Hilary and Missoula’s fairly vibrant downtown. It was a good stop, unfortunately we had to carry on before the snow overtook us.

Hilary, Luke, and I Gift of Gab Mr. Luke “The Frenchman” Shorty Hilary tells us how its gonna be. In tha Club Fine young gentlemen Snowplow on the way out of town

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