Hot off the presses folks. These are chronological and the ones at the end were taken mere hours ago . I am burning the midnight oil in the lounge of Davy’s building as I attempt to deprive myself of sleep in order to gain it back on the flight back to the states tomorrow. Apparently there was a substantial earthquake today north of Tokyo, Davy says he felt it in his class but I think I was still sleeping. There was also supposed to be a typhoon yesterday but the only thing I noticed was that it almost seemed less rainy than usual. I better get home before a volcano erupts .

It is late Thursday night in Tokyo. We just got back from a baseball game. It was a good time with quite an enthusiastic crowd. I was very impressed, the Japanese are serious about their baseball. The following pictures are in chronological order from a couple days ago up till tonight. Hope everyone is doing well.

Here are a couple pictures. Everything is going great. The city is a contstant mass of movement and lights. It is really quite amazing. I’ve only been here a few days but I feel like I’ve seen so much. I feel very fortunate to be able to spend two weeks here.

Tomorrow at this time I will be on my way to visit Davy in Tokyo. I’m certainly looking forward to seeing this trip, however the whole concept is a little surreal to me. I’m leaving Bozeman for the most populated city in the world. It will be fascinating though, I have no doubt. However, before I leave there are a few details I need to take care of today.