Home For Christmas
Just so you know, I just booked a flight into Philadelphia on December 20th and out of Asheville on January 3rd. Holla
Just so you know, I just booked a flight into Philadelphia on December 20th and out of Asheville on January 3rd. Holla
I hope you have a good birthday Sunday. You certainly deserve it.
It was wonderful to see you, Mom and the rest of the family so much over the summer. We had a lot of good times and I’ve included pictures of a select few.
You have done so many things for me throughout my life that I remember fondly and countless more that I’m not even aware of. I’m beyond fortunate to have you as my father and I love you very much. I wish I could be there to tell you in person.
Never one to let down my many loyal fans, when a certain person (Whose name will go unmentioned because….I don’t know who they are) said
“molly, grace, and laura want their pictures on your blog”
I knew what needed to be done. In direct response to this proclamation by poster x here are 4 spectacular photographs that Grandpa emailed me last week. They appear here in stunning “large thumbnail” format with a few touch-ups to undo some of the nasty effects of flash photography.
Sadly, I did not see Grace over the summer and have no new pictures of her. Send me a picture at michaelsulock (at) yahoo.com ( repace (at) with @ ) and I’ll gladly post it.
I just got back from a sweet Labor Day Weekend visit to Glacier National Park. I took some good photos I’ll post next time. Gotta keep the fans happy.
This was Davy’s first night drinking in a bar in the United States. A pretty big deal if you ask me. It was also a very fun night full of people I wish I saw more often.
I’m back in Bozeman after a visit to the East Coast. . It was a wonderful visit with the time going by very quickly. It was awesome to see my family and friends I hadn’t seen since Christmas.
Here are a couple of shots of the Sulock’s kickin’ it extreme on lake Chatuga in northern Georgia. .
Tubing rocks!
We’re not in Bozeman anymore. Going back to my childhood sumer vacation roots with a few days in Ocean City, NJ. Visiting family, eating caramel corn, doing a little surfing. It is a rough life.