Home For Christmas

Oct 3rd 2007 — Family,North Carolina — 4:39 pm

Just so you know, I just booked a flight into Philadelphia on December 20th and out of Asheville on January 3rd. Holla

Happy Birthday Dad-a-mundo!

Sep 9th 2007 — Family — 12:50 am

I hope you have a good birthday Sunday. You certainly deserve it.

It was wonderful to see you, Mom and the rest of the family so much over the summer. We had a lot of good times and I’ve included pictures of a select few.

You have done so many things for me throughout my life that I remember fondly and countless more that I’m not even aware of. I’m beyond fortunate to have you as my father and I love you very much. I wish I could be there to tell you in person.

4 eaters Lake Chatuge Dad, Mom and Kez Junior and the Third Photographer Dad Mom and Dad Teacher Dad Dad and Mom Lake Three Hikers Hiker Dad 2 Svelt Dad Hiker Dad Inspiration Point Captain Dad

One for the fans

Sep 3rd 2007 — Family — 9:20 pm

Never one to let down my many loyal fans, when a certain person (Whose name will go unmentioned because….I don’t know who they are) said

“molly, grace, and laura want their pictures on your blog”

I knew what needed to be done. In direct response to this proclamation by poster x here are 4 spectacular photographs that Grandpa emailed me last week. They appear here in stunning “large thumbnail” format with a few touch-ups to undo some of the nasty effects of flash photography.

Sadly, I did not see Grace over the summer and have no new pictures of her. Send me a picture at michaelsulock (at) yahoo.com ( repace (at) with @ ) and I’ll gladly post it.

I just got back from a sweet Labor Day Weekend visit to Glacier National Park. I took some good photos I’ll post next time. Gotta keep the fans happy.

Sulock's in Motion

Sulock's in Motion

Sulock's in Motion

Sulock's in Motion

Sulock’s In Motion

Aug 28th 2007 — Family — 5:29 pm

Give this a little time to load. It is about 3 megabytes.

Sulock's in Motion

The Usual Suspects

Aug 22nd 2007 — Asheville,Family — 10:57 pm

This was Davy’s first night drinking in a bar in the United States. A pretty big deal if you ask me. It was also a very fun night full of people I wish I saw more often.

Mom and Davy Davy ID Davy, Jason, and Dylan Valerie and Hilary Rebecca, Scott, and Nora Billy and Valerie Hilary, Davy, Rebecca, Brad Pitt, Valerie


Aug 18th 2007 — Family,North Carolina — 3:54 pm

I’m back in Bozeman after a visit to the East Coast. . It was a wonderful visit with the time going by very quickly. It was awesome to see my family and friends I hadn’t seen since Christmas.

Here are a couple of shots of the Sulock’s kickin’ it extreme on lake Chatuga in northern Georgia. .

Tubing rocks!


Scott Piloting

Rebecca and Davy
Rebecca and Davy 2

Yours truly


The Jersey Shore

Aug 3rd 2007 — Family — 9:52 pm

We’re not in Bozeman anymore. Going back to my childhood sumer vacation roots with a few days in Ocean City, NJ. Visiting family, eating caramel corn, doing a little surfing. It is a rough life.


James, Rebecca, and myself
The other Michael

My Sister

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