Girl Talk in Bozeman

Feb 26th 2009 — Bozeman,Concert Photography,Music — 12:34 am

Last Friday night I went and saw Girl Talk play at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds. Girl Talk is one guy, Greg Gillis, who remixes famous songs, mostly from the 80’s and 90’s. The end result is a a little more modern and quite danceable. This was a fairly big show for Bozeman, and I hadn’t danced in quite a while, so attending sounded like a good idea.

The crowd appeared to be super-young. Hilary thought there were a lot of high-school kids, I thought a lot of undergrads, but its getting hard to distinguish those two groups nowadays. Regardless, the kids were excited about the music and a lucky few were certainly more than happy to get up on stage and dance the whole show. It was good he brought people on stage because without them there wouldn’t be much going on. His performance is basically him standing over his computer the whole time, except for a few random times to stand up, grab the mic and holler at the audience between songs.

My one complaint was the sound seemed fairly muddled. That might have been because not many bands play at the Fairgrounds, although I have seen Modest Mouse and Built to Spill there and I seem to remember the sound being fine for those shows. Also there was no encore, which seems rare. Once he stopped the crowd didn’t try too hard to get him back out though. Despite my old man gripes overall it was definitely a good time.

Girl Talk Crowd Crowd Girl Talk Stupid Arm Girl Talk Standing Gallatin County Fairgrounds

Sasquatch Photos

Jun 5th 2008 — Concert Photography,Music,Sasquatch Festival — 2:51 pm

A wee bit o’ Sasquatch for ya.

Beirut Zach Beirut 2 Ukes Beirut Trio Beirut Zach Again Mainstage Lawn Crowd White Rabbits White Rabbits Again Will from Okkervil River A guy from Dyme Def Matt Costa Pelle Almqvist and Dr. Matt Destruction from the Hives. Hives Singer Hives Crowd Hives Band Built to Spill- DougBattles - Ian Williams Battles-Tyondai Braxton Battles- John Stanier (drummer) Battles-Tyondai Braxton again Battles - Ian Williams Again Battles- Dave Konopka

Battles-“Atlas”-Sasquatch 2008

May 30th 2008 — Music,Sasquatch Festival — 1:52 pm

I took this with my Canon Powershot and ran it through a deshaking program to try to make it a little smoother. I didn’t get the whole song though.

Sasquatch Music Festival

May 28th 2008 — Concert Photography,Music,Sasquatch Festival — 12:06 am

I am back in Bozeman after 3 days at the Sasquatch Music Festival. It was a lot of good music at the nicest venue I have ever been to. Highlights for me included M.I.A., Battles, The Flaming Lips, Okkervil River, Beirut, and Built to Spill.

The venue is located in eastern Washington overlooking the Virgin River Gorge. I’ve included a few pictures of the main stage. I didn’t have my good camera, but it was fun to try using a little Powershot again.

The Mainstage The Hives Main Stage during Michael FrantiBeirut Battles Mainstage at Dusk

Band of Horses Video

Dec 18th 2007 — Music — 12:01 am

I just got a new Youtube plugin that makes putting videos on this site a little easier. That being said here’s a song from when Band of Horses played at the Filling Station in November. Keep in mind this was recorded with a hand-held pocket-sized camera so if you are an audiophile or whatever is the analogous term for videos do not watch it.

Incidentally, their album “Cease to Begin” was recorded at Echo Mountain studios in Asheville, NC. And playing with the band were local Asheville musicians Tyler Ramsey and Bill Reynolds.

Band of Horses at the Filling Station

Nov 19th 2007 — Bozeman,Music — 12:34 am

I don’t get to see that much live music out here, so it is nice when a good band comes though. Especially when the band included two folks from Asheville. They did two shows that night because the original show sold out rather quickly. Tyler Ramsey played 4 shows because he opened each time as well, whoa!

The Drones Ben Bridwell Tyler Ramsey The Filling Station


Feb 23rd 2007 — Music — 10:46 am

Aren’t Friday’s the best? They are especially nice when you had 2 tests that week. One thing about a test is that you don’t necessarily know how you’ll do before you take it, but you do know that at least it will be over.

I had a pretty tough test today in Stat 424. Which is a math stat class. Its pretty interesting but it is a whole new type of material that takes a little bit to get used to. We have a take-home portion of it thats due next week that’ll be the other half of the grade. I felt like if I had a little more time the in-class part would’ve gone better, but that just means that I’ll need to have the material straight that much more for next time.

Also, Modest Mouse is going to play a concert in Bozeman the Saturday at the end of our spring break. NONE of the bands I’m familiar with ever come to this town. Some do stop by Missoula, which is a little larger and a few hours to the west. That’s the town that inspired me to come to school here actually. Modest Mouse is a band I tried to see about 3 years ago in Minneapolis but the show sold out before I was able to get tickets. So this is exciting. One of the things I miss about Asheville is the fairly regular supply of music they have coming through there.

Unlike Davy, there are no ziplines or gorillas in my possible future. I do think I’ll go down to Yellowstone tomorrow. Bridger can be a little hectic on the weekends and finding some peace will be nice. Thanks for reading about my little slice of the universe out here. Hope that whoever you are and and whatever you’re doing things are working out for you.


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