Hiking out

Mar 26th 2008 — National Parks,Zion — 4:49 pm

In the morning we packed up our stuff and hiked back down to the wash from our hilltop campsite. We left our big packs against a tree and followed proceeded to follow the wash upstream. It was a lovely hike with sun, sand, and water. The abundance of vegetation was rather surprising and ended up stopping us a little short of our goal. We basically hiked as far as you could go. I’m going to say we hiked to the end of the wash. My best guess was we went about 4 miles from where we had left our packs

After we got tired of navigating the spiky bushes we turned around, hiked back down and grabbed our bags where we’d left them, and continued all the way back to our car. It is interesting how walking the opposite direction things can look completely different. The hills and turns of the trail seem different. With the different light it was like another hike altogether!

Arriving at the car with a decent amount of daylight we got started on the drive back to Bozeman. About an hour north of Salt Lake we found a hotel parking lot and slept in the back of the van. This trip really made me appreciate the minivan in that it is like an RV except reasonably sized and with way better gas mileage.

Kez and the Wash Sandy Wash Trail Burn Rocks Waterbugs Beaver Creek Kez Spider Feet


  1. Tell us the truth now, are these colors enhanced? The vibrant red of the earth and blue of the sky is stunning!
    And I am sorry, but you can’t convince me this looks beachlike. I’ve been to the beach, and I’ve been to the desert southwest. No comparison. Separately they are totally awesome in their own way.
    I don’t even understand where you got the shot of the water bug with water tension under his legs. That is a toatlly fascinating picture.
    Thanks so much for posting these amazing photojournal entries.
    Love, Binky

    Comment by Auntie Bink — March 26, 2008 @ 6:56 pm
  2. Show us the scary spider picture! I can’t believe you got a picture of water bugs mating. You’re worse then the paparazzi!!

    Comment by Luke Shorty — March 27, 2008 @ 4:07 pm

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