Sunday Night

Jan 28th 2007 — School — 10:35 pm

School tomorrow. I can handle that I believe. I’m going to start attending a professor’s Stat 216 class so I can see how someone else teaches the material (which can be a little tricky) and learn a few things while I’m at it. Its at 8 am but I’ve been going to bed early enough that its not really a big deal.

Things are going well here. I went to ultimate today for the first time in Bozeman since October or something like that. Since before it got cold and they moved it into a gym, which wasn’t too exciting to me. But I figure ultimate in a gym is better than no ultimate at all. School, snowboarding, and climbing have been running my life since I got back into town.

As I mentioned to Davy I watched this movie “Born into Brothels”. Its a very interesting movie, with a lot of information about India. And it has a very happy ending, which is quite nice. I’m a fan of the happy ending. It also has a lot about photography in it, and it won an Oscar in 2004 for best documentary. Which hopefully An Inconvienent Truth will win this year if people have any sense at all (I’m still debating on this…the people having sense thing).

Life is very good right now. A continuous amount of snowfall between now and April and it will be ridiculous.

Come and visit me in Bozeman. The End


  1. A idea to visit the class of another professor. I applaud your initiative!

    Comment by Dad — January 29, 2007 @ 12:22 pm
  2. I meant to say “A good idea….”

    Comment by Dad — January 29, 2007 @ 12:24 pm
  3. Michael, thanks for the invitation to visit Bozeman. Don’t be surprised when someone does. You’ve made a clear case in favor of that idea. You’ve also convinced me to search for that movie, Born into Brothels.
    Watching a prof teach is a great idea! You rock, man! Or is it “hurl the gnarl” or something like that!

    Comment by Binky — January 30, 2007 @ 7:29 am
  4. It was the weekend for documentaries I guess. I saw “Winter in Baghdad” with Dad, very powerful, about civilians, especially beautiful children, in Baghdad. Then Rebecca, Scott and I saw “The Sierre Leone All-Stars” about refugee musicians, also powerful and lively. Then I saw “Source” which was about Azerbaijani oil fields and the pipeline to Baku, also excellent. Then I saw “Darwin’s Nightmare” about the Nile Perch in Lake Victoria, which I thought was the poorest movie of the four. Did your voice message say that yours was an “outdoor” movie festival? Seems unlikely.

    Comment by mom — January 30, 2007 @ 9:16 am
  5. The “outdoor” movie festival was the Banff Film Festival which was an indoor showing of a bunch of short movies about the outdoors, including a couple who biked from Mongolia to the Bay of Bengal (8000 km) and a guy who kayaked down the entire Mekong River (4000 km).

    I watched “Born into Brothels” at my friend Luke’s house, which was not part of any sort of festival.

    Comment by Michael — January 30, 2007 @ 12:15 pm
  6. I watched Born into Brothels about a month ago, and I’d have to say that it’s class stuff. It’s amazing what people can do when they have the opportunity for a good education. On another positive note, I am beginning to think that people may indeed have sense; even George W. Bush now admits that global warming is a real environmental phenomenon, rather than an artificial construct of the “liberal media.”

    Comment by Eben — February 4, 2007 @ 4:01 pm

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