Vegas Pictures
Here are a couple of pictures from Vegas. I didn’t actually take that many. I wanted to really get some good shots of the lights but that didn’t happen. The city certainly does better at night when the dark takes over and the multitude of lights brings your eye away from the typical big city grunge. There is a pyramid there with a giant spotlight shooting up from the top of it that you can see when you are about 70 miles outside of town.
The area outside of Vegas is quite splendid. I really am fond of the southwest. Where we actually played was about 15 minutes from our hotel and had some very nice hills surrounding it. They seem painted with lines of red and tan. Almost like they are made out of sand, very fragile looking. That picture of the sunset is untouched by the way. Thats really what it looked like. I might almost use the term “reality”.
Gee, can’t we have more details on your Vegas trip? Are you bound to secrecy (by city code!)? What about thye elevator incident?
Notice the right side of the main page with the button “the elevator experience”.
I’m not responsible for misspellings or improper grammar.
Your story was fascinating. Well put. Just what I would expect from a philosohy and math major and ultimate-frisbee afficionado.
Although I heard the verbal account of The Elevator Incident, I enjoyed the written one as well.
And what fine pictures!!
I had trouble breathing just from reading The Elevator Incident. Granted, this is partly because I have bronchitis and can’t really breathe that well now anyway. However, I would have been one of the people who was freaking out on the elevator… I don’t think I could handle that.
One more comment on the “elevator.”
I suspect that your ability to contol yourself in an obviously tense sitaution helped reduce the level of anxisety and stress. Well done!
i don’t want to give the wrong impression here dad. my ability to be boisterous caused a few people some increased stress i’m sure.
Well it is sure a good thing that it was you on that elevator and not Rebecca! Amazing story and so well written. Was air circulating?
Off hand one would expect more trauma in Thailand than Las Vegas.
reality! oh no!
i hope nobody farted in the elevator